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  • The Columbus City Attorney's Office cannot accept electronic filings due to technical difficulties. Until further notice, please provide the Columbus City Attorney's office with paper copies of any filings.
  • FCMC Clerk operations remain unaffected by the recent computer outages. All FCMC Clerk systems are functioning normally, but you may experience issues with external services.

What are the procedures and cost to release a certificate of judgment from Common Pleas Court?

A satisfaction of judgment should to be filed in the Municipal Court Civil Division. Upon receipt of your release form, file it with the Court of Common Pleas Civil Division. The cost is $5.00.

How many days do I have to file an answer?

An answer must be filed within twenty-eight days from the date of service. If it is postmarked by midnight on the 28th day then it is considered filed timely.

How long is a judgment good for?

A judgment is good for five years, but any activity of execution on the judgment extends the 5 years.

Can a Defendant fight a judgment?

Yes, they will need to seek legal advice.

If I owe a judgment, who do I pay?

Judgments are generally paid directly to the Plaintiff or the Attorney for the Plaintiff.

Can I collect interest on my judgment?

Each year the Ohio Tax Commissioner sets the interest rate on judgments. The current interest rate is 4%. This document provides past interest rates and calculation formulas. The interest rate is determined by the year in which you obtain the judgment.